Saturday, October 25, 2014

"People Pleaser."

I've been called a people pleaser before; multiple times actually. Each time it feels like a knife if being driven through me. It hurts for people to think I just want to please them. Not because I don't want to make them happy, but because it makes everything I say sound shallow.

Calling me a people pleaser destroys everything that I'm trying to accomplish. I do try to please people because I can feel their displeasure as if it were my own. However, I will never just lie to make someone happy. 

I am not a "people pleaser" and find it very offensive. I'm sure other INFJ types would agree. We meant the things we say because they come from our souls. Trying to avoid hurting others does not make us people pleasers; it means we are trying to avoid the negative feeling that will be inflicted on us.

-Sandra, an INFJ

Friday, October 24, 2014

What is an INFJ/the point of this blog?

Okay so before I start truly posting to this blog I feel the need to explain what INFJ is.


INFJ stands for Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. It is the rarest of the personality MBTI personality types. < this link has a good description of what personality fits with the INFJ, I would give my own description, but I'm not sure how accurate it would be.


Being one of the rarest types, INFJs normally feel like they don't belong. That is part of the reason I made this blog. After realizing that there were other people out there who understood me, I felt the need to show others that they aren't exactly alone either.


Mind you this blog is more than for just INFJs and actually focuses more on the way it has affected my life; less on the type itself: no two people are exactly the same even if they have the same personality type.


I really do encourage people to find out their personality type, it's actually extremely accurate and really fun!

-Sandra, an INFJ

Thursday, October 23, 2014

First Post

This is my first time doing a blog that isn't just based on poetry.

I learned a while ago that I am an INFJ personality type. After reading so much about my type I decided that I want to share my own experiences with anyone who wants to read them.

I'm not so sure about doing so, but I know that other INFJ types want to find more people that understand them, just like I do. I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes, or if I say anything offensive.

I'll start actually posting after school tomorrow.

-Sandra, an INFJ