Monday, December 1, 2014

INFJ Depression/shutdown


      I've referenced this once before, and will most likely do it again. This post will be explaining what I mean when I mention the "INFJ Depression" and how it differs from what depression normally is (or at least from what other people tell me depression is).

    The INFJ Depression is what I use to explain when I completely shut down. During this "depression" I actually rarely feel depressed, or sad, or anything for that matter. I run off of emotions and I know that I can go from elated to depressed in a matter of seconds. I'm used to these rapid changes in pace in my own emotions. Sometimes I can feel happy, mad, or sad for months on end. Therefore, I do not consider being sad for a long period of time being depressed. I also would not say that during the INFJ Depression, I actually have a lack of interest (though that is partly true). If someone around me is in a depression, I can feel their long-term sadness, but that doesn't make me go into a depression; it simply makes me depressed.

    To understand the INFJ depression, you must understand how INFJ's work on an emotional level. We need downtime from social interactions like most introverts do. We also need downtime from emotional stimuli. During this emotional downtime, I generally shut off my emotions. I don't feel the emotions of the people around me anymore, but I also don't feel my own. It is like being numb to everything. I often realize that during this time I often hurt the ones close to me. They don't understand my sudden coldness, or why I don't care that they failed the test last class, or why my expression stays blank and I become extremely unapproachable. However, when I'm shut down I don't care if I'm hurting them. Sometimes I end up just falling into a routine, giving out fake smiles to those around me, playing the part of the friend I normally am. In contrast to how I normally am though, the words and smile seem hollow. I'm still interested in some things, but it becomes easier to just fake emotions and fall into the monotony of life. The guilt does catch up to me when I reawaken from my shutdown though.

   The big difference between an INFJ shutdown and an INFJ Depression is the amount of time. For me, after about a month of feeling nothing I consider it a depression. However, that is just for me. Since I live in a family of mainly introverts I tend to be able to get emotionally refilled after a few days. During stressful times it may take me a few weeks to get back into the swing of feeling. A month is longer than it should take for me to be okay again. A month is just long enough for me to decide that the numb abyss I have fallen into is more comfortable than even the happy emotions I'm used to feeling. My family normally notices that I've fallen past my "shutdown" to a "depression" when I stop writing. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't have the emotions needed to write anything anymore.

  INFJ Depression is normally caused by emotional stimuli breaking past my shutdown, or when I've gone too long without time to myself so I can recharge. It also happens when I am feeling so much that I just can't feel anymore.

      A quick example of this is when a friend of mine ended up shooting himself. My emotions, the emotions of my friends, the emotions of his parents, pilled up inside me. I cried at first, but not for very long. I ended up entering my shutdown stage. As stated before, the shutdown itself is not harmful, in fact, it is needed. I entered the depression due to what happened during my shutdown. Even when I'm in my shutdown I am a perfectionist; in fact, normally I drown myself in trying to be perfect in order to shut off my emotions. Therefore, when I started getting bullied, emotionally and physically (my "boyfriend" at the time being the ring leader), I stayed in my shutdown mode and entered a depression. I never told my parents what was going on because it didn't matter, I never told my teachers, I never told my friends, I just took it. I internalized everything. This INFJ depression lasted about five months before I finally acted on it. I didn't see the point of anything if there was no reason to feel anymore.


     The worse part of an INFJ Depression is that even then we are master manipulators. All I had to do was act normal, paint on my face, and fake my empathy, to make everyone believe that I was okay. When I was caught frowning (which, apparently, a sign the apocalypse is coming) I would just say that I was thinking of my friend or was mentally writing a sad story. To the former, some would try and cheer me to, and I'd fake a smile for them so that they would leave me alone. To the latter, almost everyone just dropped the conversation because no one cared about some dumb story. I knew if I was acting strangely because I could read the reactions around me. During my INFJ depression, no one even knew what was going on within me.

     After long enough in an INFJ depression, I tend to actually start feeling again, just not in the physical world. I'll make a world in my mind and run away to there. A place where I can act however I want. A place where there are no problems or consequences to my actions. My happy place was the only place I would truly be okay. One of my depressions lasted me over three years and after the first I let my body fall into a pattern while my mind never left my happy place. I didn't talk much to anyone during that time, having moved to a new town and a new school I didn't trust anybody. I was afraid that if I talked to them they would destroy the peace I was finally feeling.

   When I was Seven I entered my first INFJ depression. I actually started finding ways to bring myself back to the real world and the emotions that came with it. I had 4 main coping mechanisms, only one of which was healthy (that one being provided to me by a therapist at the time). The first coping mechanism I tried was imaginary friends; they lived in my happy place so if I made them stay in the real world then I would have true friends who could make me feel happy and would never hurt me (it turns out that even imaginary friends can hurt you in the end). Sadly they couldn't make me happy all the time. The next tactic I use, while I was still seven, was cutting. It was easy to hide the marks on my thighs so that is where I targeted. The physical pain brought me back to the physical world; eventually, though, the pain stopped being enough. In fact, now I end up laughing when in pain (my parents are positive that I'm mental because of it). Please to all that read this, do not use cutting to cope. It stops working and even if the scars heal, the memories don't. After getting caught cutting once my therapist gave me two different tools to feel. The first was biofeedback, in other words, listening to soothing music while breathing slowly. It allows the mind to calm itself and feel again. The second, and surprisingly most useful, coping strategy given to me by her was bubbles. Not just any bubble either, the ones that you can catch were what worked. I'm 18 now and it still works. I'm not sure why maybe because it is something fun. Maybe because it causes others around me to laugh. All I know is that it still works for me.

   Now that I've given what I meant by "INFJ Depression", I have a question to anyone that reads this; INFJ or otherwise. We've all been in a depression of some sort before so please let me know; What strategies do you use to get out of your depression?

-Sandra, an INFJ

Relationships/ the dream man

           It proves difficult to be in a relationship as an INFJ. The "perfect person" for us is almost always out of reach. My last relationship was with Mr. wonderful. He was protective, creative, different. He had manners and an amazing sense of humor. We actually met through LARPing (live action role playing) of all things. Each date proved almost perfect.

       The problem was honestly with me. At first I couldn't explain why I was unhappy with him. Everyone in my family loved him, his family loved me, and he made it clear he wanted a long term relationship. How could I possibly be unhappy? It wasn't until weeks after I ended it that I realized the problem. He was too much for me. He was always either throwing a million different meaningless questions my way or expecting me to talk. If I were anyone else that would have been awesome. However, as an INFJ, I don't like meaningless talk. I run out of energy too fast and end up wanting to go home. The meaningful conversations we had were too much too fast. I knew that he wanted me to trust him, I could feel how much he needed me to, so I often tried to open up. That just made each time going out worse. I knew that there would be a long revealing conversation that I wasn't ready for and that he'd expect me to still be okay afterward.

       Another big problem was that we could never just be quiet. As an introvert sometimes I just need silence. I can feel and think more when nothing is being said. If there is always talking than I'm always analyzing the person, not myself. I lose my feelings in the words they say and find myself zoning out or wanting alone time. Even when I was having downtime he needed me to talk. He needed me to text, or call, or be mushy. Once he called me and fussed because I hadn't texted him for a few days then he tried to hold small talk. I was emotionally overloaded at that point and tried my hardest to get off the call (which I hate talking on the phone anyway). The next date I couldn't help but continuously be self-conscious about everything. Was I not good enough? He could definitely do better.

     I know it is just as hard for a person to date an INFJ as it is for an INFJ to date in general. However, this many things adding up so quickly caused me to have an emotional shut down. I would just stay in my room and not talk to anyone. I stopped my feelings, stopped caring about other people's feelings, and just stopped. I call this the "INFJ Depression" (I'll write a post going more into that in the future). After, only slightly, reawakening my emotions I ended the relationship. That made me go into another depression because I know that he was the ideal "perfect man" for so many people. He gave me present, held doors open, paid for everything. He cooked like a pro, and was so friendly. However he was just not the guy for me. Maybe someday I'll find "The One", but until then I'm okay with my few close friends. They are more than enough to satisfy my social need.

-Sandra, an INFJ

Saturday, October 25, 2014

"People Pleaser."

I've been called a people pleaser before; multiple times actually. Each time it feels like a knife if being driven through me. It hurts for people to think I just want to please them. Not because I don't want to make them happy, but because it makes everything I say sound shallow.

Calling me a people pleaser destroys everything that I'm trying to accomplish. I do try to please people because I can feel their displeasure as if it were my own. However, I will never just lie to make someone happy. 

I am not a "people pleaser" and find it very offensive. I'm sure other INFJ types would agree. We meant the things we say because they come from our souls. Trying to avoid hurting others does not make us people pleasers; it means we are trying to avoid the negative feeling that will be inflicted on us.

-Sandra, an INFJ

Friday, October 24, 2014

What is an INFJ/the point of this blog?

Okay so before I start truly posting to this blog I feel the need to explain what INFJ is.


INFJ stands for Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. It is the rarest of the personality MBTI personality types. < this link has a good description of what personality fits with the INFJ, I would give my own description, but I'm not sure how accurate it would be.


Being one of the rarest types, INFJs normally feel like they don't belong. That is part of the reason I made this blog. After realizing that there were other people out there who understood me, I felt the need to show others that they aren't exactly alone either.


Mind you this blog is more than for just INFJs and actually focuses more on the way it has affected my life; less on the type itself: no two people are exactly the same even if they have the same personality type.


I really do encourage people to find out their personality type, it's actually extremely accurate and really fun!

-Sandra, an INFJ

Thursday, October 23, 2014

First Post

This is my first time doing a blog that isn't just based on poetry.

I learned a while ago that I am an INFJ personality type. After reading so much about my type I decided that I want to share my own experiences with anyone who wants to read them.

I'm not so sure about doing so, but I know that other INFJ types want to find more people that understand them, just like I do. I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes, or if I say anything offensive.

I'll start actually posting after school tomorrow.

-Sandra, an INFJ